OAU POSTUTME: What You Need To Take Note Before The Commencement Of Registration
What You Need To Note Before The Commencement Of OAU POST-UTME Registration 2020/2021
OAU POST UTME: What You Need To Take Note Before The Commencement Of Registration
1. The exam is 40 questions for 40 marks
2. The duration is 60 minutes ( 1 hour)
3. You will be tested on the same subject you sat for in the utme only that English will comprise some reasoning questions like verbal and quantitative reasoning with some current affairs questions like one or two. Questions like "which university is the first in Nigeria?" or "In which university was a pounded yam machine invented?" or "What's the largest river in Nigeria?" or "Which bridge is the longest in the world?" So English will be called "Aptitude test"
Take note that you may not have any current affairs questions in your own aptitude but you need to be prepared for it just in case.
4. 10 questions in each subject.
Registration begins on 5th October, 2020 and ends on 31st October, 2020.
The post utme exam commences on 21st November, 2020 and ends on 5th December, 2020
It will be my joy to hear your admission news into the Great Ife. I wish you easy assimilation and a retentive memory as you study towards the exam.
I wish you the best!